Low-carbon production of iron and steel: Technology options, economic assessment, and policy



This paper explores existing approaches and potential decarbonization paths of the global iron steel industry: fuel switching to low-C hydrogen, solid biomass, zero-carbon electricity substitution, retrofit with carbon capture storage (CCS). Achieving net-zero primary production current available technologies faces many challenges from plant design fundamentals (BF or DRI), resource availability, footprint uncertainty, cost. Long-term opportunities reach require asset replacement, combining approaches, both. Short-term lie in CCS particularly blue carbon-neutral but only provide low partial GHG reductions. For individual plants, optimal local solution depends on geography, natural resources, infrastructure, economies. Large-scale deployment is limited by policy incentives. Given increased urgency transition economy CO2 emission, governments industry have focus decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors, including making, which contributes roughly 6% emission 8% energy-related (including power consumption emission). reviews assesses technologies, hydrogen injection, biomass zero-C (CCS) retrofit, combinations these approaches. Blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) dominates (71%) stubborn any technology. Direct reduced electric arc (DRI-EAF) 5% growing, it appears better move toward net-zero. Secondary using mainly scrap (EAF-scrap) 24% has both lowest energy technically simplest decarbonize through electrification market share recycled capacity. Of options assessed, neutral appear cost highest technical maturity. However, no single approach today can deliver deep all lead substantial increase. No uniform ideal exists, different geographies, economies will determine optimum viability Policy measures be required financial incentives for avoid unwelcome outcomes such as emissions leakage job loss. A core challenge growing demand services. It widely understood that man-made climate change chiefly caused greenhouse gas emissions, especially dioxide (CO2), consequences warming profound, widespread, destructive.1IPCCSummary Policymakers.in: Masson-Delmotte V. Zhai P. Pörtner H.-O. Roberts D. Skea J. Shukla P.R. Pirani A. Moufouma-Okia W. Péan C. Pidcock R. Connors S. Matthews J.B.R. Chen Y. Zhou X. Gomis M.I. Lonnoy E. Maycock T. Tignor M. Waterfield Global Warming 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report impacts 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels related pathways, context strengthening response threat change, sustainable development, efforts eradicate poverty. 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Columbia University, examines near-term (GHG) seeks identify explain pathways hot metal (HM). We examine terms cost, viability, readiness, ability scale. In addition, we assess aspects markets accelerate low-emissions steel. crude exceeded 1,808 million tons had 4.5% growth compared 2017 level.4Worldsteel Three processes contributed 99.6% HM 2) follows:1.Blast (BF-BOF): route industry, involving pig furnace. operation relies almost entirely products, emitting ?70% integrated making). Hot then charged basic (BOF) make (BOF includes process plants coking, pelletizing, sinter, finishing, associated production.2.Electric (EAF): making materials iron, scraps, direct (DRI) product (also referred sponge iron) source. Today, EAF recycling (i.e., secondary production) upgrading DRI iron. operates batch mode instead continuous like plant.3.DRI: directly reduces solid-state reaction temperature below melting point Reducing gases produced (gas-based DRI) (coal-based called syngas, mixture H2 CO. 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عنوان ژورنال: Joule

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2542-4351', '2542-4785']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2021.02.018